3 Tips to Finding Your New Esthetician

a women getting her face washed with sponges as she lays on the spa table
Photo by John Tekeridis

As you are continuing to grow in your self-care practice, you may be in a need of an esthetician. An Esthetician is an educated and certified skin specialist who provides the services of facials, waxing, peels, and more. They can take your skin from dull to bright & glowy! If you are interested in finding an esthetician, here are three tips to use to find one:


Utilize social media

The power of social media can communicate very far. From the word of mouth to online, estheticians are branding themselves on platforms like Instagram and Twitter to build their audience. You can use the hashtags to search for estheticians in your area. For example, #AtlantaEsthetician is a great start to find an esthetician. These skin specials are building their brands online to showcase their knowledge and clients. 


Utilize word of mouth

If you have any friends or family, ask around if they have any recommendations. Many have found their best partnerships by just asking someone. If you don’t, ask someone on social media (kindly!) if they have any recommendations for who to go to in your area.


Book a consultation first

You need to know your goals for your skin and booking a consultation is important to see if the relationship will fit. You want to work together with your esthetician to accomplish these goals. The face is the first thing that people see and building a partnership with your esthetician prevents both of you from making mistakes. 


As you continue in your relationship with your esthetician, remember that your goals are important but the esthetician has the experience to see what is possible for your skin. Do not feel that you need to rush to achieve ‘perfect skin’. The goal is to love your skin and treat it with the respect you deserve. 


Author Profile

Sterling Jones
Sterling Jones is the Editor in Chief of The Beauté Study, where is responsible for leading the editorial calendar and creation of online educational content across all categories, brand partnerships, VIP concierge, agency-side of business, and online classes. Sterling loves to write and create engaging content about the power of beauty, cultural trends and lifestyle brands. She founded this platform in 2017 and organically grown into a trusted media platform with the support of a growing population of feminine women growing and defining in their beauty epiphanies. Under her leadership, the brand has worked with other brands in partnership like La Mer, Bobbi Brown Cosmetics, Mejuri, Follain, Cocokind Skincare, Moisture Love, Rein Beauty, Proven Skincare, The Beaute Culture Conference, QCNY Luxury Spa, Merit Beauty, and more. Born and raised in Atlanta, Georgia, Sterling holds two undergraduate degrees in Art History and Business of Beauty and Fragrance, the perfect blend between cultural know-how. She can be found on all socials under @thesterlingstudy.

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