Vintage Stores are a gem for any fashionista. You can find great pieces that sometimes are no longer in production. In thrift shopping, you need to have a game plan when you walk in. Here are 5 tips you need to shop in vintage clothing.
Have A Game Plan
In vintage stores, there are sometimes so many gems that you can get lost in. A good tip is to go in with an idea of what you are am looking for. This is where Pinterest comes in handy. For example, if you are trying to go for the business chic look, pull up some men’s inspiration from Pinterest like this board. Next, start looking in the men’s business shirts to find a shirt that is a few sizes bigger than you for the oversized look. To have a couple of looks in your mind, it helps you stay on track.
Try Things On
If you are inside a vintage store, we always recommend trying some items on. If you plan on thrift shopping all day, we recommend wearing some leggings or some compression shorts. You never know if the items have been washed more you try them on. Trying things on help with putting outfits together. If you have no idea how to style it, check Pinterest again and a nearby associate’s advice.
Know The Policies
If you are at a vintage shop, understand their policies on renting, returning, and exchanges. You want to make sure you understand their policies so you don’t deal with a headache with later. Some shops even offer a tailoring service with their products. Make sure you check to see what they do with the spare fabric too.
Shopping at Local
Local Vintage shops also have great pieces for you to check out. Online shops are great but nothing beats a small vintage shop. Sometimes you can buy better jewelry, blazers and wool coats there. You may find your ultimate find in those little spaces.
Care for Your Clothing
When you buy items, you can do some aftercare. This can include going to a tailor to get your piece fixed and tailored to your body. You can also get your jewelry cleaned with some jewelry cleaner and you can change the buttons for items. It makes your pieces more personal and better-taken care of.
From shopping vintage online to in-store, vintage is like an unknown adventure. If you use these tips, you can easily find yourself with clothing that you may love and keep forever.
Author Profile

- Sterling Jones is the Founder and Editor of The Beauté Study, where is responsible for leading the editorial calendar and creation of online educational content across all categories, brand partnerships, VIP concierge, agency-side of business, and online classes. Sterling loves to write and create engaging content about the power of beauty, cultural trends and lifestyle brands. She founded this platform in 2017 and organically grown into a trusted media platform with the support of a growing population of feminine women growing and defining in their beauty epiphanies. Under her leadership, the brand has worked with other brands in partnership like La Mer, Bobbi Brown Cosmetics, Mejuri, Follain, Cocokind Skincare, Moisture Love, Rein Beauty, Proven Skincare, The Beaute Culture Conference, QCNY Luxury Spa, Merit Beauty, and more. Born and raised in Atlanta, Georgia, Sterling holds two undergraduate degrees in Art History and Business of Beauty and Fragrance, the perfect blend between cultural know-how.
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