How to Build Advocates for your Chess Board

Take a moment to look at a chessboard. You have a set of pieces that will aid you on your quest to win the game. As strategists, look at the chess model to guide you into building advocates in your elevation journey.

What are advocates?

Advocates are “a person who pleads on someone else’s behalf.”

These are the people that support you in building your life today in your reputation, career, and love life. At this moment, you may see a heavy focus on you must build everything on your own. The right advocate and support can speed your journey across the chessboard versus one movement at a time. People support people and they support people that they feel something in common. All of this is driven by your reputation.

Exercise Questions

  1. How do people know about you?
  2. What characteristics can they describe you?
  3. What are your passion and your reason for building this reputation?

For example, my characteristics are genuine, easy-going, fun to talk to, knowledgeable and productive. I built the reputation of always being curious. I was willing to help by always providing solutions and insight for others. It included people, not in my major. My goal was to build my knowledge base in the marketing field and meet new people in my social circle. The reputation was the bonus part of my goal.

Examples on Advocates

Advocates are in different points and sections of your life. A friend who supports you by going to your event. A mentor who champions you through a recommendation to a private club. A work colleague who vouches for you. Each person comes from different places and helps you in your goals. They are not all equal. Your goal is to build a mutually beneficial relationship between each of them.


  1. Build a list of 5 to 7 advocates to place on your advisory board. Understand who is on your team, why they are on your team and what can they support you on. Is your team diverse (gender, race, age, social status, citizenship)?
  2. Apply the Little Black Book method to these members to remember things about them.
  3. Take the time to set up a meeting with them every three months to update them on your life, ask for advice, or advocate for you for a new position in your life.

Examples of Advocate Groups

Another form of advocates is social clubs and membership groups. They help expand your experience and network. You do not have to build everything on your own because you have the support of the group. Some of the oldest forms of advocate groups are sororities and fraternities. Each group can attest to a select number of values and committees that build trust with its members. You may have people who have never met before but, have an initial connection because they are members of the same group.


  1. Follow the post on understanding your opportunities for the future from the perspective of How can I find a new social circle and experience?
  2. Write a list of things that you have always want to do and learn. Start searching online for groups or classes on how to do this.

Each exercise is a guiding point to reach a goal with the support of an advocate. Once you begin to see how people can help you, you can begin asking. Then, you can start to see the moves on the chessboard from the members of advocates helping you win your game of life.

Author Profile

Sterling Jones
Sterling Jones is the Editor in Chief of The Beauté Study, where is responsible for leading the editorial calendar and creation of online educational content across all categories, brand partnerships, VIP concierge, agency-side of business, and online classes. Sterling loves to write and create engaging content about the power of beauty, cultural trends and lifestyle brands. She founded this platform in 2017 and organically grown into a trusted media platform with the support of a growing population of feminine women growing and defining in their beauty epiphanies. Under her leadership, the brand has worked with other brands in partnership like La Mer, Bobbi Brown Cosmetics, Mejuri, Follain, Cocokind Skincare, Moisture Love, Rein Beauty, Proven Skincare, The Beaute Culture Conference, QCNY Luxury Spa, Merit Beauty, and more. Born and raised in Atlanta, Georgia, Sterling holds two undergraduate degrees in Art History and Business of Beauty and Fragrance, the perfect blend between cultural know-how. She can be found on all socials under @thesterlingstudy.

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