There has been a struggle to create things for creative people, especially if you are using a medium that requires touch. Nail stylists are artists in their own right. From the last few years, social media has seen a boom in designed nails with the shared #nailfie. One of these artists is Mikäela.
On Self Care
As someone who gets very personal with her clients, she finds that she needs to take care of herself physically. She incorporates yoga and stretching into her routine. At the beginning of quarantine, it became her practice to get her out of a rut.
Mikaela began to take her skincare routine more seriously while at home more. “Aveeno face wash with the matching face lotion is what I use in the mornings. I love doing a face scrub occasionally. I have incorporated water heavily into my routine, from drinking to making rose water. Face sprays are my favorite.” says Mikäela. But, she loves to keep it simple.
On the Nail Industry
As for staying goes, Health is wealth. In the nail industry, there has been a growing conversation about what is in nail products. New brands on the market like Oliva & June are creating 7-free formulas. 7-free is the term used to highlight products that do not include the ingredients dibutyl phthalate (DBP), toluene, formaldehyde, formaldehyde resin, camphor, TPHP, or xylene. As health-focused nail stylists like Mikäela, there need to be conversations for safety in the nail salons.
It’s tough connecting with people in an industry that relies heavily on touch. “At first, I was worried it would be hard to connect with people because there are so many new obstacles to interacting with a client. At my salon, we have practiced with each other. It wasn’t bad, but it was the acknowledgment of how awkward it was. It is mostly getting everyone to understand what the situation is, and it’s going to be a learning curve for everyone.”
From caring for the client, there is a growing population of salons not using acrylics. “They are very damaging to the nail. We have all had a situation where we have gotten them done. They hurt if you hit them too hard. Even the nail can split. When you go to remove them, your nails are weak and flaky.” For stylists like Mikäela, they incorporate more gel nail polish into their practice and the new gel extensions. It’s a better way to enjoy an extension without the damage.
Mikäela’s Advice
For everyone wanting to get serviced, “if everyone is committed to being kinder and understanding, then we can all get through it.” As a creative, Mikäela believes that you don’t need to be afraid to have fun with it. Do what feels right.”
Author Profile

- Sterling Jones is the Founder and Editor of The Beauté Study, where is responsible for leading the editorial calendar and creation of online educational content across all categories, brand partnerships, VIP concierge, agency-side of business, and online classes. Sterling loves to write and create engaging content about the power of beauty, cultural trends and lifestyle brands. She founded this platform in 2017 and organically grown into a trusted media platform with the support of a growing population of feminine women growing and defining in their beauty epiphanies. Under her leadership, the brand has worked with other brands in partnership like La Mer, Bobbi Brown Cosmetics, Mejuri, Follain, Cocokind Skincare, Moisture Love, Rein Beauty, Proven Skincare, The Beaute Culture Conference, QCNY Luxury Spa, Merit Beauty, and more. Born and raised in Atlanta, Georgia, Sterling holds two undergraduate degrees in Art History and Business of Beauty and Fragrance, the perfect blend between cultural know-how.
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