Building a good skincare routine seems overwhelming. Here at TBS – we are breaking down for the six steps you need to make a good skincare routine. Since there are so many products on the market, we will be breaking down the skincare basics that you need and are perfect for you.
You can cleanse your face in many ways from a water-based one to an oil-based one. Everyone needs a cleanser. This step is important because you need to remove all the dirt, pollution, makeup, and dead skin cells from your face & neck every day.
Pro-tip 1: Choose a cleanser that will work for you depending on your skin type from normal, dry, oily, sensitized, and sensitive skin. Sensitized skin is one skin type not talked about enough. It is when your skin may react well to one product but it may form a reaction to the same product later on. We recommend using the double cleansing method that was made popular by K-Beauty. It uses an oil-based cleanser first to break down the dirt, makeup, and pollution. Next, the method calls for a water-based cleanser like cream or gel-based cleanser. We love French skincare cleansers.
You can get samples of the new cleanser and begin testing them using the patch testing method. You test either on a certain section of your skin, i.e. the back of the hand, your arm, or behind your ear.
Pro-tip 2: Wash your face for 60 seconds. Thanks to the recommendation of the esthetician known as Nai of @LABeautyologist on Twitter for sharing this. The goal is to use your cleanser to break down your dead skin cells more effectively. A good tip from her is to sing a tv theme song to make sure you complete it. Some of our favorite songs to sing at TBS are the intro to Will Smith’s ‘Fresh Prince of Belair’ and the first verse of Paramore’s ‘I Caught Myself‘.
Some say you don’t need toner. We disagree at here at TBS. Toners can hydrate, restore balance to your skin’s p.H. levels, and even break down the skin cells further to make sure your next product is effective. Choosing a toner is hard. But, doing your research on what goal you want to achieve with your skin is important.
Pro-tip 1: Some toners also include acids. Acids sound like a scary thing but it’s not! Some ingredients in exfoliating toners are glycolic acid, salicylic acid and many more. For example, Glycolic acid can help with hyperpigmentation and exfoliating further into the skin. These types of toners should only be used once or twice a week.
Pro-tip 2: Other toners out are hydrating toners. Hydrating toners have ingredients to moisture the first layer of your skin better. We love adding these toners after using the exfoliating toners. You can use this type of toner every day in your routine.
After toning, it’s important to exfoliate your dead skin cells and encourage good skin turn over. There are two types of exfoliators: a physical and a chemical one. A physical exfoliator, for example, is like scrubs. Chemical exfoliators are acids like BHA, AHA, and PHA. We recommend using chemical exfoliators on the face and body but, physical exfoliators only on the body. Some physicals are too harsh for the skin.
Pro-tip 1: Do your research on what acids are the right ones for you. There are many acids that are under the umbrella of BHA, AHA, PHA, etc.
Pro-tip 2: When you start chemical exfoliators, use it sparely. Your skin will have what’s called a purging process. It shows your skin getting softer and removing the dead skin cells. Your skin may react in places with red bumps. If you would like to see what a purging process looks like, check out our article on the Glossier Solution.
Serums are a great addition to any skincare routine. Any issue that you may have, these products can target them even further. From dark spots, enlarger porers, evening out the complexion, and more – there is a serum for you.
Pro-tip 1: Find a good serum can be a hard task depending on what you are targeting. There are ones for different needs. This is the time to get samples, do your research, and make sure you find an authorized retailer if you are buying an expensive one.
You may have oily skin but everyone needs one! From dry, normal, oily to sensitive skin, everyone needs a moisturizer especially if you are using strong products. This helps your skin seal the products you have been using by moisturizing the skin barrier and keeps it nice & tucked in.
Pro-tip 1: If you have oily skin, we recommend to avoid oil-free moisturizer. Each person needs oil and your body naturally produces it to self-moisture. If you use an oil-free moisturizer, your skin can react by producing more oil. By blocking your oil glands, your skin will eventually be shinier. We recommend using oil-absorbing sheets.
Pro-tip 2: One day, try a moisturizer that does not contain fragrance. We may love some moisturizers with it but, sometimes our skin needs a break. We also think of essential oils as a fragrance here at TBS. Some brands have placed essential oils without a carrier oil inside the product. A carrier oil is supposed to balance the harsh effect of a strong essential oil. We never recommend using a essential oil in its purest form because it can damage your skin barrier. .
Pro-tip 3: Pat in your moisturizer instead of rubbing and let it dry down. We find it soothes your skin more effectively and it does not end up waste on your pillow during the night.
Sunscreen is an important part of any skincare routine. It helps protect your hard work and it is one of the most effective anti-aging products around. For melanin loved skin and those on the lighter end of the spectrum, you can now find sunscreen on the market that does not have a white cast or a purple tint.
Pro-tip 1: Wear a sunscreen that covers all the bases like SPF 50. Make sure you are covering your face, neck, and hands since they are the first signs of aging. Don’t forget your ears too.
Pro-tip 2: Reapply during the day- every 2 to 3 hours. If you are wearing makeup, look into options of sunscreen makeup powders like Supergoop to reapply on your face.
Pro-tip 3: Make sure you get under your eyes. Your eyes are sensitive and the thinnest layer of your skin. Protect your skin around your nose too! These places show signs of hyperpigmentation, especially of a darker skin tone.
All of these products are custom to YOUR needs. Do your research, test with samples, and find your holy grails. We are here to help.
Author Profile

- Sterling Jones is the Founder and Editor of The Beauté Study, where is responsible for leading the editorial calendar and creation of online educational content across all categories, brand partnerships, VIP concierge, agency-side of business, and online classes. Sterling loves to write and create engaging content about the power of beauty, cultural trends and lifestyle brands. She founded this platform in 2017 and organically grown into a trusted media platform with the support of a growing population of feminine women growing and defining in their beauty epiphanies. Under her leadership, the brand has worked with other brands in partnership like La Mer, Bobbi Brown Cosmetics, Mejuri, Follain, Cocokind Skincare, Moisture Love, Rein Beauty, Proven Skincare, The Beaute Culture Conference, QCNY Luxury Spa, Merit Beauty, and more. Born and raised in Atlanta, Georgia, Sterling holds two undergraduate degrees in Art History and Business of Beauty and Fragrance, the perfect blend between cultural know-how.
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