House of Trudon, a brand that offers one of the most exclusive and captivating fragrance experiences, is a privilege that every lover of all things aromatic should indulge in. I recently had the opportunity to visit their new store in New York City and was guided through their rich heritage in candle making, dating back to 1643. The brand, started by the Trudon family and continued by their successors, the Carrière family, is renowned as French candle makers and is the oldest candlemaker in the world, still active today. This history is the backbone of this prestigious and exclusive brand.
Trudon offers a variety of candle options, each providing a unique and captivating sensory experience. From big sizes to taper candles in different colors, their collection caters to every preference. Whether you prefer candles that last long with zero heavy burn and no dripping or candles that offer a deep-scented experience, Trudon has it all. The candle I tried from Trudon was their holiday fragrance, Gloria, in their Astral Glora Holiday collection. It was a scent that left me intrigued and hoping for it to become a permanent edition.
Trudon’s Scent Profile
Gloria has these notes:
- Top Notes: Russian coriander, cardamom, incense, Brazilian orange
- Heart notes: Java nutmeg, clove leaf, cinnamon from China
- Base notes: cedar, patchouli from Indonesia, Vetiver from Haiti, amber
The Patchouli and Vetiver are particularly pronounced in the first few burns of the candle, creating a rich, intense aroma. This candle’s sillage, or the trail of scent it leaves behind, lasts a long time, with a recommended burn time of 2 hours for each lighting. I’ve even had moments where my clothing retained the scent of Gloria after the candle had burned in my home. The price range reflects the quality and longevity of the product, starting at $148 for the Classic (regular) size with 270 grams, $360 for the Intermezzo size with 800 grams, and $750 for the Great Size with 2.8K grams. I was able to enjoy this candle for a four-month burn period, making it a worthwhile investment in luxury home fragrance.
Trudon’s Packaging
The candle smells divine, and the packaging is a testament to Trudon’s commitment to luxury. The beautiful colored glass as the jar, adorned with red and gold leaf, is not just a container but a piece of art. It is sealed with a metalized Trudon emblem on the outside. Once you choose your holiday scent, it is wrapped in burgundy and gold packaging — perfect for the holiday season. After the candle is finished, the jar retains the scent of Gloria, a lingering reminder of the luxurious experience.
Trudon’s Offerings
Outside of candles, they have introduced fragrance sprays to their collection. I have tested out their scent, Vixi, as I wanted to see if their sprays followed their strong candle scents. The sillage of this perfume is stellar. It contains notes of Natural Italian petitgrain essence, Cardamom essence, Natural essence of Balkan sage, Nepalese organic sandalwood, Virginian cedarwood, and Indian jasmine. It is enough evidence that you can smell it on you all day but not overwhelm yourself and others. Two sprays max on warm body areas is all that you need. Their fragrance spray range differs from their candle range in availability and pricing. In the future, they will introduce some of their best-selling candle scents in a perfume edition. It will give the entire Trudon experience.
Trudon is a brand you keep in your home all year round. It elevates your home fragrance experience—not only for special events. I loved placing this scent on at night when I wanted some me time with some good music. It was perfect for it.
Author Profile

- Sterling Jones is the Founder and Editor of The Beauté Study, where is responsible for leading the editorial calendar and creation of online educational content across all categories, brand partnerships, VIP concierge, agency-side of business, and online classes. Sterling loves to write and create engaging content about the power of beauty, cultural trends and lifestyle brands. She founded this platform in 2017 and organically grown into a trusted media platform with the support of a growing population of feminine women growing and defining in their beauty epiphanies. Under her leadership, the brand has worked with other brands in partnership like La Mer, Bobbi Brown Cosmetics, Mejuri, Follain, Cocokind Skincare, Moisture Love, Rein Beauty, Proven Skincare, The Beaute Culture Conference, QCNY Luxury Spa, Merit Beauty, and more. Born and raised in Atlanta, Georgia, Sterling holds two undergraduate degrees in Art History and Business of Beauty and Fragrance, the perfect blend between cultural know-how.
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